Next, we saw the goats. There was a lot of activity going on with them as well. Now I know where the phrase "you horny old goat" comes from. At least I think that's a phrase I've heard before.
The hippos were just across the way. They are pretty ugly looking animals. I was previously unaware as to the extent of their disfigurement. This one hippo was getting washed. I'm pretty sure the zookeep missed a spot. Click the picture to see what I'm talking about. Or on second thought, don't.
We didn't see much else in the zoo. Only the birds and monkeys and then it started to rain. Well, I suppose I forgot about the cats and dogs.
It was just as well because after the orangutan exhibit, we were sufficiently depressed and ready to partake in more uplifting activities. These poor monkeys lived a solitary existence and seemingly couldn't engage in pleasures of the flesh. This female liked to flash passersby with the spread monkey pose. It was a bit much for my innocent eyes. Fortunately, the rain hastened our departure.
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