Friday, January 4, 2008

Decisions, decisions

I think I know where I am heading next, but I'm still not sure. Things change on a daily if not hourly basis. From my present location in Vientiane, Laos I was going to take the bus to Hanoi, Vietnam. Then I was convinced to head to southern Laos to some islands on the Mekong. I changed my mind yesterday and said Hanoi it is! However, I didn't realize that I had to get a visa prior to my arrival.

So I went to one of the many travel agencies in town and found out that it was Friday. Who can keep track of what day it is? And it was late on Friday - too late to obtain a visa. I would have to wait until Monday and then take the overnight bus to Hanoi. That means I have to spend another two nights in Vientiane? It would be even cheaper to wait til Wednesday. Wait. What time is it? 3:40pm. And what time does the Embassy close? 4:00pm.

I rented a bike for a dollar, quickly saw my destination on the map and took off. The bike was small and with my knees brushing my ears with each pedal, I was only slightly uncomfortable. I still managed to pass some scooters with my legs a blur, pedaling in a panicked frenzy. I was confident I could find this Embassy before they closed and somehow convince them with sweat-stained tears to expedite my visa.

I was wrong. Of course. I got lost. I think I pedaled about three times the distance. I asked a couple people: Vietnam Embassy? And tried it in reverse: Embassy Vietnam? As if they would suddenly say 'Ahhhh, that's what you meant!' They pointed and I was off again. I think they were pointing in the general direction of Vietnam. The farther I got, the more I realized I was just going for a bike ride. It was past 4pm, the Embassy was closed and now I just wanted to get back to my guest house, wash the salt from my face and rehydrate with a beer.

But no! That's when the bike began to fall apart. I heard something hit the pavement and then the chain fell off. Crap. No big deal. After flipping it over and greasing up my hands, I finally got it back on. I laughed back at the kids who were laughing at me. Ha ha ha to you! And I was off again before I found myself coasting yet again. Oh crap. This chain is way too loose. I put it on. I pedaled. It came off. I put it on. I pedaled. It came off. A Lao guy happened to have some wrenches and managed to pull the rear wheel back far enough to tighten the chain, but not pull off the wheel. Khop jai lai lai!

I got back to the tourist center and returned my bike. I had it for another 22 hours, but didn't want to be liable for that soon-to-be hunk of scrap metal. I had a beer. I had dinner. I slept. And I awoke will no clearer picture of where I will be heading today. I think it's clear Vietnam is not meant to be at the moment. I'm not blind. But my exact destination is still to be determined. It might be here, it might be there. I'll find out soon.

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