Friday, August 15, 2008


I have a headache. A minor one at that, but it's still there pressing the inner contents of my cranium against my skull. Or that's how it feels. I'm hoping this 7up and eggplant, tofu, onions and rice helps it go away. Or at least hope to have the pressure go somewhere else to alleviate the current symptoms. My belly can handle it.

I think it's come forth this evening as I embark one of my more difficult teaching weeks. 10 hours awaits me tomorrow. But it's not even that I am worried about. It's the new classes I have on Sunday morning and the prep work I have to do sometime between 11pm tomorrow and 8am the next morning so I don't look like an ass. And even if I don't look like one, feeling like one is all the same to me.

And after Sunday, normally it is a piece of cake. But I have taken on more hours at a another school. A test, if you will, to see if I like working during the day as opposed to the evenings. So, add 15 hours to a 25 hour work week and what the hell am I thinking? I hate 40 hour work weeks! Why did I do this!?

Hopefully it will only be one week. And if I like it, I can drop some of my evening hours and slowly move away from getting off work at 9pm and having dinner around 10. As much as it works for me now, I don't feel like doing this forever. And as much as I hate getting up for school in the morning, at least it's 9am and not 8. So, here we go. And as for the headache, please go as well!


Jeff D said...

Listen to the working man! Soon you'll be the man in the gray flannel suit.

tyler said...
