Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moving day is almost here!

I have been at my current abode for about two and a half months. Way longer than I originally anticipated. I was the one of all of my friends who said they wanted to get the hell out of district 1 and more off the beaten track, at least as far as foreigners are concerned. Yet here I still am. It hasn't been all that bad here. Quite comfortable actually, but I am ready to move on.

Next week is the week of weeks. I am moving into a 5-bedroom house and including myself, there will be five of us plus any significant others or prostitutes that the others may bring home. I will have my own bedroom, bathroom and balcony for a mere $130 a month not to mention use of the "kitchen" and "living room" downstairs and the rooftop terrace.

And we will have Internet, a washing machine and maid service. Very desirable amenitites in any new home. It is also quite centrally located, smack dab in the middle of the city, closer to one of my schools, farther from two of them, but closer to two other branches of one of the aforementioned farther schools and also closer to my Vietnamese lessons. In fact, within walking distance. A hop, skip and a jump away.

I will miss the view from my balcony where I presently reside. And watching the rain pour down from a ways away. I will miss the fruit lady. The omelet lady. The bubble tea ladies. The conical hat wearing girl who is always toiling away at her trusty sewing machine. I almost want to rip something just so she can overcharge me and put a little more dong in her pocket. But my guess is that she's honest.

There will be new folks in my new neighborhood. New noodle stands, new fruit ladies, new neighbors and new experiences. And I will be more settled, at least I hope, and less of a vagabond. I might actually unpack my suitcase. And I might get rid of some shit before I move to limit myself to only the essentials. Less than a week to go and I cannot wait. Get me outta here!

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