Monday, September 8, 2008

Please Mr Policeman

Well, so much for the myth that the police don't bother with foreigners. Myths are meant to be dispelled anyway and now that I've dispelled this one, maybe I'll chill out a little. Maybe.

It was a long day. It was spitting with rain. It was about 9:15pm. I was anxious to get home and eat the street food that I had in plastic baggies hanging off the hooks of my motorbike.

I was on the home stretch and I was tired of sitting in second gear behind all these slow pokes. So, I gunned it from gear to gear in the lefthand lane designated for four-wheeled vehicles.

Then this guy with a baton blows his whistle and waves me to the side. Aww, shit. He points to the speedometer and writes 30USD on his palm. I laugh at his suggestion. And I pretend like I don't understand.

Although it is clear that he wants some money. Fortunately, I only had about 130,000 dong, or about $8, in my wallet. So I took out two 50,000 notes and showed him my near empty wallet.

He accepted the 100,000, waved me on and the eyes in the back of my head saw him put the money in his wallet. Tyler, slow down.

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