Sunday, September 7, 2008

The new pad

This is the view from my balcony. Nothing glamorous, just overlooks an alley and my neighbor's laundry. I'm happy to have a balcony though. It makes my small living space more tolerable. And it sounds cool to say you have a balcony.
This is my bedroom. I'd say it's a little on the small side, but at least my new mattress doesn't sag in the middle. And there aren't any ants on my toothbrush. And I have a ceiling fan that doesn't squeak. And I have fast internet connection. And the air is not nearly as stifling as inside my old room.

I do kind of miss the prostitutes coming in and out of my old place. It added a little something. However, on the whole, I am more comfortable here and that's what matters. We have a housekeeper that comes three times a week, we can come and go as we please and we're more immersed into real Vietnamese living.

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