Monday, December 3, 2007

Final Measurements

Before I set off, I thought it would be ever so wise to document my current measurements. You never know if I am doomed to encounter a long and severe bout of dysentery or maybe I will gorge myself on Thai cuisine day in and day out until I swell to twice my current enormity. Or perhaps I will find myself in a Bangkok prison feeding on a small bowl of jasmine rice with a drop of fish sauce. Then maybe I'll look vegan, or like that emaciated image so many people seem to associate with veganism. Or perhaps, the likely scenario, is not much will change except for a slightly protruding abdomen. Either way, it's important (yes, it is!) to document this moment in time, for it will not be repeated.

Measurements as of December 3, 2007:

Head circumference: 17 3/4"
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 195
*Left Bicep: 15"
Right Bicep: 14 1/2"
Chest: 43"
Waist: 34"
Inseam: 34"
Feet: 13
Shirt: L
Belly button: outie
Fingernails: longer than average with white dots on them
Penis: none of your business
Sticles: left hangs a bit lower

*Before you stop and think "Oh, the vanity!" just remember that this is a joke, it's for fun, for laughs, for no reason at all. Yes, I may be a bit vain, but come on, I haven't measured my biceps in at least 3 months.

Currently have five fingers and five toes on each hand, a full head of hair (I mean bald, I forgot about my last post), dry hands and healing cuticles. Oh, and I wear glasses. Not really a measurement, but just in case my vision comes clear on this journey east. You know, my purpose, the way, the tao...ha!

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