Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thank Buddha it's the cool season!

I am here during peak tourist season, otherwise known as the cool season - the most bearable time of the year for most tourists to this part of the world. It lasts from November through February. I have no idea what I would do if this was the hot season, where it gets "unbearably" hot throughout the region. Right now I am in an air-conditioned Internet cafe, before that I was lying nearly naked on my bed with my overhead fan on high and prior to that I was dragging my sore, burning feet through the hot, dirty streets of Bangkok seeking shade, cold water and something other than more plantain chips to fill my belly.

I am just not used to this. It's not HOT, it's certainly not uncomfortable and I certainly don't mean to sound like I am bitching. Quite the opposite. I am just happy as hell I am not here in April or May or June or whenever it truly gets hot around here. I'm sure I'd manage as the tourists do when they invariably come, but this is testing me enough thank you very much.

I like to drink water and I don't mind sweating, but usually prefer to do the latter when I am exerting some type of energy. Walking around just doesn't meet my definition of exerting energy. I suppose my boxers could be sticking to my legs and my shirt could be showing visible pit stains. I have nothing to complain about. Knowing what it could be like, I am grateful it is what it is. The cool season. Thank Buddha.

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