Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm going to be on TV

Coming soon to Vietnamese television: me looking like a fucking ass. Yeah, I signed up for it so I can't complain, but I will bitch about my day and the people associated with this stupid fucking game show. I would be less irritable if I had won the contest and felt that the judging wasn't biased and that the game wasn't seemingly rigged from the beginning.

Whatever, I'm just blowing off steam. I still won some money, 2 million dong to be precise, but in the moment I wanted to piss on that money and/or wipe my ass with it. But that would have been hugely disrespectful considering that most Vietnamese don't make that much money in a month. It is about $120. It wasn't so much the money, it was losing that gets me.

I don't feel like I lost. This show was all about embarrassing two foreigners willing to try and speak Vietnamese. I know I'm not good, but if I'm worse than this girl, put a fork in me, I'm done. It really deflates my confidence. Not only that, but I think the female judge that gave me the low score had it out for me. The bitch. I wish I could have stomped on her face.

I really am a poor loser. When all was said and done and they announced the winners, I couldn't even fake a smile. They gave us the statues, pictured here, and I almost snapped the fucking head off. I kind of wish I did even though I respect the handiwork involved to create the thing in the first place. It would have been a show of my utter lack of appreciation of being on the show.

They asked us for our comments on camera after the announcement of the winner. I could barely manage anything positive. Since the air was so full of bullshit, I added a little bit more, but with a straight face and stopped short of saying I had a mind-blowing experience. I can't wait to see myself on tv looking like a fucking idiot. It's too bad the viewers won't see all the clowns involved.
Yay, look at my fucking trophy! Yeah, I'm bitter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where's the clip of you on tv?? c'mon!