Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This is a picture of a random produce stand at the market in Saigon. This stand did not have any jackfruit, one of my favorite new fruits. A jackfruit is an enormous specimen and when carved open, there are many smaller fruits inside. Or maybe they are seeds. Bear with me while I check Wikipedia.

Ok, I was right as usual. The jackfruit is the largest tree borne fruit in the world. Should I quote that? Or make a citation? Because I plagiarized. Anyway, there are many seeds within the large fruit and surrounding those seeds are "sweet yellow sheaths" that I am fond of consuming. They taste like a cross between a mango and a banana, but worse than a mango and better than a banana. The texture is like neither. I would say it's like a Twizzler, a little rubbery and squeaky on the teeth.

They also make jackfruit chips, which I have also taken a liking. I prefer the small bags because regardless of size, I will eat the entire thing. Recently, I took the time to read the bag and I have to say it is the funniest translation I have ever read. Here you are:

Throughout the entire process in making the chips, no chemicals are added to the chips at all. The fruits and vegetables are specially processed in order to ensure that their natural flavour and goodness are retained.

Ok, seriously it get's funny...

These products have also a good smelling and crunchy feature which gives a good taste and provide more nutritive facts, vitamins, mineral salt necessary to the organism and protecting from the extra glucoza.

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