Monday, February 25, 2008

Sitting on the street corner

Watching the world go by. That is thing to do in Vietnam. And even better if you can sit at one of the local bia hoi joints where draft beer flows and it flows cheaply. It may not be the best beer in the world, but at the price of around 15 cents a glass it's hard to complain. I should be enjoying one of these beverages right now since I am a little tense and dry in the mouth. Yes, I agree, maybe I should find other avenues of releasing stress. Perhaps I will get a massage instead. But hey, loosen up, perhaps it's you that needs the beer.

So, in Hanoi, there was an intersection of bia hoi establishments. Usually filled with a combination of locals and tourists, it was an interesting place to people watch. It, like seemingly every intersection in Vietnam, was a blind intersection. And therefore, it was especially fun to see cars, motos, bikes and pedestrians enter at the same time and watch who would put on the brakes first. Needless to say, there was a lot of honking, braking, speeding - a lot of entertainment. Add to that, some kid practicing wheelies with no intention of watching who was coming from the other direction. The art of living dangerously.

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