Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What not to do

The other day, this Canadian kid got into an altercation with some Vietnamese youths. I guess technically he was an "adult" since he looked to be eighteen or nineteen, but he certainly didn't act the part. Not too many people do. Including myself. So forget it, it was some Canadian dude, age doesn't matter.

He was trying to inquire about buying a moto. So the story goes. And then he offers 20,000 VND, which is just about $1.25. A funny joke perhaps to the potential buyer or an insult to the seller? Somehow rocks get thrown and the guy is chased away getting hailed upon by rocks of various sizes. He is not seriously injured, but has dried blood on his forehead and on his legs. So who is to blame? An interpreter is brought to the hotel to get his story.

You would think you would be as sincere and polite as possible. I mean it's your word versus that of ten or twenty Vietnamese guys. I wasn't there and don't know who was at fault, but looking at this guy, I would say him. Judging as usual, he was a skinny, red-headed stepchild who needed to be pelted by more rocks. A punk ass bitch if you will.

Here were some of the comments I heard him make to his interpreter. Obviously being an interpreter, the guy spoke English, but it was limited so again, you would think you would speak as simply as possible. You would think.

"So, what do you do, man?"

After hearing the interpreter's reply, which was inaudible:
"Cause you're dressed even nicer than me."
He was wearing baggy shorts and a wrinkled t-shirt.

Then the interpreter asked what he thought of Vietnam.
"Well, to be honest, I've been here too long and I'm getting kind of sick of it."

Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

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