Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cham girls

Part of the Mekong tour also included a visit to an 'ethnic minority village.' In this case, we visited a Cham village. Again, herd 'em in, herd 'em out, but even if I was one of 10,000 people that day, I am glad to have experienced this culture even if they have resorted to selling waffles and other trinkets made in China to support their meager existence.

I do find this kind of sad, but if I wasn't there, that would have been one less person buying one less waffle - actually I bought three - and who knows what they can get with those funds over and over and over the course of a long day full of tourists, otherwise known as voyeurs, wandering through the place they called home.

This girl was pissed off. She was a little aggressive trying to market her wares and turned away a few buyers in the process. I'm sorry, but I really don't want a banana waffle.
This girl on the other hand had the right goods. Coconut treats. She was also shy and I could identify with her passivity so she won me over.
More girls. Fortunately they were happy to pose for this picture. I can't stand people jamming cameras in people's faces just to get that shot. You have to at least ask and then maybe even buy something.

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