Monday, March 31, 2008

Nose picking

You know you do it. Admit it. It's easier than trying to blow your nose all the time. And sometimes just blowing your nose doesn't cut it. Some seriously entrenched nuggets often require a fingernail for extraction. Besides, it's better for the environment. Less tissue going into our landfills.

I have no problem admitting that I pick my nose. But usually I try to be discreet about it. That is one cultural difference I still can't get over. Well, that and blatantly hacking loogies whenever the need arises. But nose picking, are you serious? In broad daylight? When I'm looking at you? When you're selling food on the street? Apparently anything goes.

The best is when you spot a nice looking lady going to town. Digging for gold as they say. But it's more than that. It's like the canary dropped dead in the coal mine and the miners are furiously trying to dig themselves out. To save their lives. Only come on people, a booger won't kill you. Yes, it feels good to remove the offending bugger, but is it really necessary to contort your face to that extreme? And then try again when you notice it's not on your finger?

It's funny because it brings me back. Back to kindergarten when I used to pick my nose and eat it. I know my Mom tried to scold me when I did that, but her scolding went unheeded. "Tastes good to me", I would say. At least I'm not seeing anyone eat their boogers. I don't know if I could handle that even if it does taste good.

**I apologize for not having any of the would-be fantastic photos of people picking their noses. It would indeed be slightly ackward to approach someone in this situation and just click away. If, however, I happened to have a camera with a high number of megapixels, this might be an attainable goal next time. Please send funds. Please send funds. Please send funds.

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