Sunday, March 16, 2008


I've only ever done karaoke once. And it was a duet. And I was drinking. And it was Guns N' Roses so no talent was really necessary. It was at least a few years ago in Japantown in San Francisco. I can't remember anymore, the years are flying by. I do know that I am not the first person to stand up and volunteer for karaoke. I need more practice singing in front of the mirror. I am too self-conscious even under the influence. That could be argued, but it's true.

Last week, I did karaoke for the second time. It is big here in Vietnam. I went with these local travel agency guys who were trying to schmooze with the Director of Tourism in this town in the Mekong Delta. It's a long story. So after a fancy dinner and too many Heinekens we went to this hotel for karaoke. We went into our own private room. And then the girls came in. Girls?

I was supposed to pick one. Can I have two? No seriously, I was supposed to pick one. Strange indeed. I am learning how things work. These girls did not look excited to be there, but there they were and they took their places beside us. They poured our beers, they poured their beers, they fed us fruit, they shelled me peanuts, they groped my leg and "cuddled" with us on the couches.

Let me first explain that these women were not prostitutes. At least I didn't think so. One guy did stay behind so maybe they offered other services. That was unclear. I did not know this until I woke up the next morning - headache and all - and he was found to be missing.

I want to say they were paid "entertainers" rather than prostitutes. And maybe if they wanted to go that extra mile, that was their call. We paid for our room and beers and the girls were paid separately for their services. By their services, I mean their presence. Nothing else is implied. I'm not saying it's right. Do not think of me poorly, I was an innocent bystander. Sure, I did not have to follow the crowd, but I did not want to make waves.

Anyway, back to the karaoke. I think I sang five songs. The mic was passed often and I didn't turn it down. I sang Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi, Don't Cry by Guns N' Roses and I Shot the Sheriff by Bob Marley. I can't remember the others. I am not a good singer. I will admit this. I once thought I might be good, that one day my time would come. But it will not.

I have recently had my third karaoke experience with a friend of a friend and her friends. I met her at the coffee shop and was overwhelmed by the number of people. There is no way I am going to sing here. It seems that everyone goes to the coffee shops here, especially on weekends. Especially on Sunday. Since most people work six days a week, that one day is a special time to relax in a nice, cool, music-filled environment.

Fortunately, again, we went to a private booth. This time there were no scantily clad women. I was ok with this. I had no alcohol. I was drinking 7UP. I ended up singing Dream On by Aerosmith and a forgettable rendition of Like a Virgin by Madonna. Terrible choice. But karaoke, I have found, is still fun. Even if I can't stand to hear my own voice. Maybe if I keep it up, I will find my inner voice. The voice of reason. Not likely I'm sure.

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