Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chilling in an Indian restaurant

Chilling in an Indian restaurant. It is what I will be doing later this evening. It is what I did last night. It is what I have done many a time on this holiday. I love Indian food. I love chilling. I love chilling in an Indian restaurant. Especially those that have good samosas. And those that face out onto the street so you can entertain yourself with the goings on outside.

It's a far cry better than facing the wall or facing the toilet or seeing yourself in reflective glass reminding you that you are alone. Alone eating Indian food. Things could definitely be worse. Anyway, I wasn't alone last night. Thanks Sal. And I won't be alone tonight. I'll have my book to keep me company.

I have my favorite spot down the road from guest house. The samosas are big. And delicious. And cheap. The only problem is the sauce. Who serves samosas with hot chili sauce? An Indian restaurant in Vietnam does, that's who. Duh. Things could definitely be worse. I'll take two.
This was last week's dinner. It was already eaten by the time I took this so no reason to show you the crumbs, of which there were few. Typical scene, a woman wearing her silk pajamas and conical hat and a cyclo driver. To be honest, I have no idea if they're pajamas, but they look like pajamas so let's just stick with that. I dig the pajamas. I smile when I see them. Yes, I smile when I see them.
Same shot, different scene. You can't really tell what's going on unless you click on and enlarge this picture. Behind the car is a girl picking the lice out of her mother's hair. I'm not really sure if it's her mother, I didn't ask, but gauging by their apparent age difference, it could easily be the case. It is fairly common to have lice I think. I definitely don't look twice anymore when I see people looking for lice. I just take pictures.

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