Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hey, you want Boom Boom?

Everyone always has something to say about the women in southeast Asia. I shouldn't say everyone. Let's say a large percentage of men. It's not uncommon to hear disrespectful commentary alluding to the fact that anyone could be had for a price. Yes, it does happen. I mean, it's pretty clear when you see some people that there was a transaction involved. But still, just because you are a prostitute or need to sell yourself out like that does not mean you deserve disrespect and derision.

They are easy targets. Sure it's funny to talk about a massage with "happy ending" or to quote memorable lines from movies - me love you long time for example, amongst others. But more and more I feel wrong in doing so. I'd rather direct my ridicule to the five hundred pound, balding mound of scum that has unfortunately attracted the attention of a young, attractive girl who obviously needs money more than respect. I'm not saying I don't respect her, it's more a statement about the profession in general.

Speaking of prostitutes, I really haven't seen that many. It hasn't been any more blatant than the women I used to see in the Tenderloin in San Francisco. Well, let me digress. I forgot about those bars in Thailand and Cambodia that had a large number of young, dolled-up, "eager" women clamoring over fat, old married men who had thick wallets. Well, they might not have been thick. It doesn't take much over here. Anyway, aside from this, it's not that obvious to me that there are an abundance of prostitutes. Is the reputation justly deserved?

It's pretty easy to say Yeah, she's a hooker. For sure. But how do you really know? It's obviously best not to make assumptions. But sometimes it is okay I think to prevent yourself from getting into the wrong situation. I'm not just talking about getting involved with someone and finding out she wants some money. I'm not going there. Even worse is you could also get on the back of the wrong motobike and end up in the wrong neighborhood.

And while you are getting raped or robbed you would be thinking, if allowed such a thought during such a moment, I should have assumed he was dangerous by the tattoos, scars, the leers, the erection poking out of his pants. For your own safety, sometimes it is okay to assume. Obviously, you can't generalize and say anyone with a tattoo is a criminal unless you believed that a city like Portland, for example, is a city of criminals.


I am the King of Assumptions. Therefore I rationalize making any kind of assumption. I judge all the time and as much as I feel that I don't like doing it, I have accepted the fact that I must like doing it. I certainly want to be wrong in my assumptions and will give every opportunity to be shown the error of my ways. I find it difficult to find everyone innocent until proven guilty. For some reason though, I find it difficult to assume some girl is a hooker because she is wearing high heels and tight jeans. That just does not make sense.

Back to the story. I am also the King of Diversion. I should state that is is overwhelmingly clear that prostitution is more readily available here than back home. That much is obvious. I mean if you get asked "Motobike? Marijuana? Boom Boom?" all the time, day in and day out then well, you sort of get used to it. But still the overt signs are not there as much as you'd think.

That was for me until a couple night's ago. I told the moto driver my destination and then he leaned back and said "You want massage? Boom Boom?" No thanks. We keep going. He starts to veer left. "Boom boom. Massage over here." Nah, no thanks. Seriously. We go straight closing in on the backpacker area. I am scanning the scene. I make eye contact with two cute girls standing near their bike. They wave and make some suggestive gesture, probably with their lips. I really can't remember. I smile and wave. Instantly they are on us like a fly on shit and the girl on the back whispers "Boom Boom? Massage?" Noooooooo!

Last night was even more blatantly obvious. Walking home from downtown Saigon, in the middle of a big intersection, I was followed by two of the most atrocious looking "women" I have ever seen. The beauty of the world is that somebody would find them attractive. Not me tonight, not ever. The driver was a man, I think. Too much makeup to tell. But they wouldn't leave me alone. Ignorance, I believe, is the best method to achieve solitude in these moments, but I had yet to figure this out. I am still learning.

Finally after grabbing at me and asking me if I wanted an hour massage for $10, for the seventh time, they left me alone. Then the next intersection, somebody else. Same over-applied makeup. I couldn't tell if it was Avon or Revlon, but it was applied in the same fashion. That's what I'm trying to say. I got rid of her in the same fashion as before, relatively slowly. Embarrassingly slowly. But I kept walking to show the audience around me that this foreigner is not interested in Boom Boom. Well, he is, but not here. Not now. Not if I have to open my wallet.

The third women wheeled up to me and I just started laughing in her face. Before she had a chance to say those magical words she was off in pursuit of the next paying customer. I had one more encounter before I got to my hotel and it was not surprising after the deluge of prostitutes that evening. She tried to grab me too - no, not there - but at that point I just laughed in exasperation and tugged my arm away. I made it home, alone and quite content to be on a busy evening in Saigon.

* If you have read this far, wow, you deserve a star.

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