Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bye bye

A met a seemingly sweet gal a few months back in an Internet cafe. The fake curls and the low heels should have been a tip off, but at the time I just wanted a little loving. She was cute and flirtatious and so we exchanged numbers.

And eventually we met up at a coffee shop where I ended up eventually footing the bill. Since the bill was close to what I'd normally spend in a day, I was not happy. And you don't realize, I had ONE drink. And she and her girlfriend had lunch and drinks. Not the best introduction to dating life in Vietnam.

I have not seen this girl since. But she continues to text me approximately once every three weeks. Just checking in I suppose. At first, it was fun to play the game. Hi Honey! she'd write. I miss u! And other bullshit like that. And so I'd proceed accordingly.

But last time it got old. I asked when we could meet up in person. That it was silly to just be texting buddies. And she said that some people are just "pen friends". I don't want to be just pen friends. That is the dumbest idea ever, I thought. What's the point? I thought that was the end of our "relationship".

I was wrong. Yesterday, I received another text. Brought to you now in it's unadulterated glory.

Nhung: Hi Honey! Do u get a job? Do u remember who i am?
Tyler: who is this? how'd u get my phone number? yeah, nhung, i remember. u are my pen pal.i got a job now. everything is ok. and u?
Nhung: I get funny when u still miss u! And i am also funny that u have a job! Do u like ur job? Which job u got?
Tyler: U are funny that i have a job? Or are u happy? I'm working at vus in dist 5. Working tonight just on break..
Nhung: I'm happy that i guess u r happy with ur job, too! Do u have any meal with me for that? R u teaching english?
Tyler: No teaching japanese. Have a meal? Are u paying? haha

The End. So I hope...

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