Sunday, June 15, 2008

A temporary new abode

I have a new place. It’s only for a month, but I am very happy about this recent change of events. All it took was getting off of my ass. It was that simple. Instead of finding a permanent abode, I decided to rent at a nearby guest house off the main strip. And it’s way better. About half the price. And much quieter. And for some reason, I feel like I am in Thailand. I think I had a guest house there that had similar views. Nice memories.

I even like the fact I have trouble communicating with the women downstairs. It presents a new challenge. I clearly need to get off my ass again and be more proactive about taking language lessons. And I really like seeing different people around my new place. I will miss some of the faces around my old neighborhood, but it’s just a hop, skip and a jump away.

The only problem I can possibly foresee is not having air conditioning. And no wifi. But so far, my fans seem to be doing the trick. And I have three windows with – in my opinion – fantastic views of the surrounding homes. The lack of wifi will just make me seek out new hotspots from which to people watch and post new blogs. I think it will make me more productive as well. No more refreshing my email account every five minutes!

I even have a working television. Oops, there goes my idea of becoming more productive. Now, I’ll just watch football. And I have a wardrobe. A loveseat. A comfortable bed. Maybe I’ll be able to sleep again. I sure hope so. And for the love of Gad, my bathroom seems to be in functional order. Knock on wood. I will prey on Gad tonight to keep the foulness at bay.

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