Sunday, June 22, 2008

Random post #329

It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring. I love it when it pours over here. As opposed to when it pours back home and I'm frozen and miserable and all I want is a hot soy chai and a double chocolate chip cookie to take the pain away. Usually that’s the case anyway. Here, the rain is a nice respite from the heat. Although I’m not a huge fan when I’m actually exposed to the elements. I am saying this from the confines of a dry and comfortable room after all.

If, for example, I am on my way to work and getting drenched in the process, I am not such a happy camper. Nobody can be that happy when you’re camping in the rain. That sucks. But, on the other hand, if I’m just tooling about in my standard day-to-day attire, I could give a flying f-u-c-k and a solid drenching is thoroughly enjoyed. It's like being a kid again. Really. Silliness ensues. I’m ready for it now actually, just please wait til my class is over!

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