Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Save me

Well, yesterday I was engaged in perhaps the most annoying conversation I've had in recent memory. I was brought to the boiling point and was left simmering for a while. I don't need to do that again. Fuck off. Leave me alone. Go to hell.

I was basically tricked into meeting up with this woman. A French woman. First, she showed up 15 minutes late. I was about to leave. Fucking rude I do say, especially if you're the one wanting to meet up in the first place. Then to talk about the most boring shit I could possibly imagine.

Then to psycho-analyze me. Then to have your attitude completely change when I tell you I'm interested in Vietnamese women. And for you to draw more conclusions about me from that. Yeah, I like Vietnamese women because I want to "give back" or "make amends" for what we did during the war. Go take your B.S. and shove it straight back up your ass where it came from.

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