Monday, June 2, 2008

Something positive

What? Am I not going to bitch and moan and rant and rave as per usual? About the state of my world? About me, me, me? Well, this is my blog. And I can do as I please, but still, this may indeed be a first. I'm not sure, but I feel that maybe you've had your fill of whine. And besides, I just feel like writing and I have nothing new to bitch about since yesterday.

Well, except that I'm achy and tired today. I didn't sleep well. And they put way too much ice in the beverages in this cafe. And whenever I pick up my drink, the condensation on the bottom of the cup always lands in my lap. I did not just pee myself! And this guy is exposing his chest on the balcony. Dude, button up your shirt. You are not at home. I think that's it.

Anyway, I feel good today. I just had a nice iced tea and an apple turnover. I didn't see a whole lot of apple, but whatever, you can't let the little things get to you. Look who's saying that! See, I must be in a good mood.

The girl in this cafe has a nice smile. She has brightened my day. I'm inclined to smile more because of it. The domino effect. Why don't we all smile more? It's so easy, but yet so hard when we just aren't feeling it. Because when everyone's against us or when it feels like that, it's really not justifiable to yourself to smile when you want to growl instead. GET IT OUT. Grrrr! And then let it go...

And then there are the folks at the tailor shop around the corner. I'd already purchased a couple shirts from them. One of the ladies was incredibly friendly. The price was right. So was the vibe. I had them tailor me some shirts. And as far as I can tell, they came out perfect. I'm going back. If clothes can give you confidence, then buy more of them and wear them often!

I played some pool last night. I'm getting better. It's actually kind of fun. I dug it. Even though I lost two of three. To a girl. It just doesn't matter, right? As long as you're having fun. It's like golf, you can have a terrible score, but be content knowing you mangled the hell out of some of your shots.

And then there are the people. Friends trying to hook me up. People trying to teach me their language. Good supportive teachers at school. Friendly folk at the bar. Beautiful, smiling women undressing me with their eyes. It might be the other way around, but whatever. It's good to dream. But it's also good to take action on those dreams.

Slowly, slowly, slowly. Taking baby steps. Progression towards something every single day. No stagnating. Things start to get funky when the water gets stagnant. Keep busy, keep learning, keep growing, keep yourself interested and interesting. It's an upward spiral for a change. Maybe it's just momentary, but you have to indulge in the temporary nirvana whenever you get the opportunity.

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