Monday, June 9, 2008

Tired Tyler

Why why why why why why why I so cranky and irritable? I have such limited patience and even less when I am tired, which seems to be quite often these days. I hate having a sleep deficit. I don't even like myself when I am tired. If I could go back to bed and retrieve those lost hours I would, but unfortunately it is not that easy. I have the time, sure, but my body, as tired and achy as I seem to be, cannot shut down. Alas. Woe is me. What a pity. Poor baby.

My Dad just told me never to tell anyone you're tired. And I think that's good advice. I'll try to follow that from now on. Just one more bitch and moan and grumble about it and I'll tell you everything is fine and dandy next time. Nobody wants to hear you're tired because if you are tired, then do something about it! And shut the hell up! Quit moaning and lamenting your state of being, get some rest and then come talk to me. But right now, in this moment, I'm shaky, on edge, gritting my teeth and ready to burst. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! Waaaa.

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