Monday, June 2, 2008

It's a set up!

I'm open to anything. Really. But if you don't get a sense of my personal preferences prior to setting me up, you're more than likely to miss the mark. You're swinging that hammer with your eyes closed and you're going to miss that nail. Unless of course, I'm desperate and as much as it sounds like I am, I'm really not. I'm still one picky S.O.B.

I really appreciate any endeavor undertaken on my behalf. I mean, you try to make a match amongst friends and there is nothing in it for you. The effort there is greatly appreciated. But next time, if there is a next time, please find out my tastes. There seem to be millions of them roaming about and yet you still managed to find someone I could barely stand conversing with let alone look at. I'm sorry. I'm being rude.

Just know it is truly appreciated. The "date" just went on a little too long. I became internally agitated. The strife may have been visible on the outside as well and if so, I apologize for that. Everything was running amok and I had to get the hell out of there. And when we finally made like a fetus and headed out, I cannot begin to describe the sense of freedom. And it happened just before the implosion. The meltdown was only minutes away.

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