Saturday, July 19, 2008

The bar scene

I am not a big bar fly because that is not my scene. But I do frequent them on occasion. A friend and I try to go to a new place every Monday night. A couple weeks ago we popped in to this place called Lili's. Some bar girls swarmed to us like flies on shit. Hmmm...what kind of bar is this? Not all bars have women like this. Sure, it's nice to have the attention, but at what cost?

Some places have women purely to get the male clientele to stick around. Others have side businesses. What was this place? One of the women brought out the place's business card, as pictured above. Oooooh, pretty colors, I thought. Yes, that's nice indeed. Fancy schmancy. Who is the graphic designer?

Then she proceeded to show me what other services the bar offered. As if I couldn't guess. I must say, it is pretty creative. Sure, maybe a little tacky, but you have to admit, you didn't see it coming, did you now? That wasn't enough to keep us around. I mean, the girls have to at least be attractive. I'm being an ass. I'm joking. We enjoyed our beers and left the girls in the same questionably pristine condition as when we arrived.

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