Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sore throat

I am sick. It all started on my day off this past Wednesday. A tickle in my throat. The initial manifestation of something more serious. I hate tickles in my throat. Harbingers of future distress, they are. I don't think I've ever used that word. I mean, why would I ever use the word distress? Well, except when I have diarrhea. It's fortunately been a while.

Anyway, back to me. Bring back the spotlight. I'm not finished yet. I went home early on Wednesday night. And Thursday. And Friday too. And last night was an early nighter as well. And I can forsee the future. Tonight is no different. But it's alright. It's kind of nice not to wake someone up to bring my motorbike inside. And it's also nice to see the morning goings on. My favorite time of day, when I'm up for it.

I think I'm on the up and up. We'll see tomorrow. I'm drinking lots of water. And hot beverages. And gargling with salt water. And slowly dissolving mentholated tablets in my mouth to soothe the inflammation in the derriere of my throat. And I'm actually napping. Trying to nip this one in the bud. Because it's awful difficult to teach with a swollen throat. Be gone already!

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