Sunday, July 20, 2008

Testing my patience #198

Let me take you back a few days. It is Wednesday night. I am in Vung Tau. I am heading out to dinner alone. My friend did not enjoy dinner with me the night before so she opted to meet me after I finished. I think I smacked my gums when I ate. Or chewed with my mouth open. Or corrected her English too often. I think I was just an annoying bastard!

Anyway, I found this place close to the ocean. There were not many customers. I ordered my food and a beer and waited. And waited. And had another beer. And waited some more. My food typically comes out in five minutes. Mi xao chay, otherwise known as fried noodles and vegetables, is a cheap and easy dinner. And usually delicious. This place was taking their sweet time.

I finally asked about my order. Yeah, it's coming they gestured and they walked to the kitchen and put in my order. No, no, no! I'm not waiting if you haven't even started! I gestured for the bill and angrily walked away, already late in meeting my friend and no food down my gullet to comfort my soul. I did what I could to show my displeasure, such as not making eye contact on my departure and accelerating quickly into traffic.

Of course, I wasn't really mad at them. Well, I was, but more at not being able to properly communicate with them and place a proper order. Obviously at some point during my order - probably when I said 'no fish sauce' - they thought I changed my mind. In my mind I was thinking how can you be so stupid! but of course I realize in retrospect that shit happens. A lot of shit happens. Especially in a foreign country where you can't speak the language.

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