Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day #19

Oh yeah, yesterday I finally had a day off. My first day off in twenty days. I can't complain much about working only three hours a day, but having no work at all makes a world of difference. Having nothing to prepare for, absolutely nothing to worry about for an entire day was a fantastic experience and I forgot how much I missed the feeling. Now, I will have that feeling at least once a week.

I canceled my Wednesday evening class last week. I will miss some of those kids, but am happy to say goodbye to some of the others. Schmucks. When I canceled my class, the scheduler asked if I could possibly teach if she couldn't find a substitute. No. I can't. I won't. I got my schedule last Friday and took a passing glance and it appeared that I had the day off.

Then this Wednesday rolls around and I'm getting phone calls and texts about my whereabouts. Why? Apparently I didn't look at the schedule that thoroughly. But I wasn't about to ruin my day and go teach the same class I had said my goodbyes to the week before. So, after much begging and pleading on the part of the scheduler, she finally gave in, told me she hated me (in jest) and ultimately hung up the phone.

I felt bad, but I had plans. And I gave them a week's notice. And I wanted a life and I was having one and wasn't about to give it up. It was too good of a bike ride for someone to throw a stick in my spokes. I just wouldn't have it. And now, I feel relatively sane again and am making plans for my next day off already. I can't wait. Always working for the weekend.

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