Saturday, May 10, 2008


Damn, just like that. Four weeks are over. Kind of like college. You blink an eye and it's over. Same, same. But different. Now I am certified to teach English as a foreign language. Scary. Another month has gone by in Vietnam. This one flew by. It was a good one too. A transitional month. From the hot season to the hot rainy season. And from being a transient bum to someone actually trying to make a go of it.
These were two of our instructors. They taught us how to teach English to foreigners. Not how to speak English. Fortunately for that. It was an interesting four week course. There were three holidays over that period. The material we missed was "made up" over the other lessons. Yeah. And I eat shit for breakfast. Well, actually, quite often I have papaya to start my day. Funny enough, its pronounced "doo doo" in Vietnamese. Damn, I wasn't even trying to be funny this time.

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