Sunday, May 25, 2008

Work work work

I just started working this past Friday. I was given two 1.5 hour classes on Friday evening, one 2 hour class on Saturday morning and one 3 hour class on Sunday morning. Not the best schedule for having a social life, but I'm more desperate to get started having a life in the long run than the short. And opening up my availability was one step towards achieving that. After I get some experience, I may start making some schedule requests.

Why does it reek of fish sauce? I'm losing my train of thought. Can't think straight when it smells like shit. What is going on around here? Out in the streets, the sewer is backed up and now this. And some to think of it, my bathroom smells too. Doesn't help when the maid just comes in and squirts some intoxicating stench-cover-upper and thinks that's going to solve the problem.

Back to my work schedule. My first full week in action I was given classes every day of the week. Yay! Um, nay. Nice to get hours, but just because I left you with open availability doesn't mean I want to work every
day. So, I called and had them try to pawn off my Tuesday evening shift. One day later, I decided I wanted two days off every week and called them back. Try to pawn off that Thursday night shift as well. I want to play pick-up football instead.

I'm thinking, if I get those two days off, that 16 hours a week is enough for now. Considering I haven't worked much lately, I wouldn't want to overtax the system right away. Besides, after just three days on the job, I'm already feeling achy and in need of coffee. But that also might be related to going out at night, not sleeping well and constantly overstimulating my retinas and nasal orifices. Fish sauce - ugh!

Eventually, maybe I'll increase my workload. In fact, in one hour, I have another interview. My sole focus here, however, is not to work. I can occupy my time with a hundred other things for sure. But money would be nice. I do feel incredibly lucky though to have this option, this opportunity to just live simply and make a small difference in some people's lives. I'm sure they're making more of a difference in mine.

Most Vietnamese people I have met work 6-7 days a week. That to me is crazy. The grind. I cannot handle that. So, while I cheese out less than 20 hours a week and try to live the life, I am still aware of what could be. And how I've put myself as far away from that as possible with each advancing year. That's not to say that one day I will work hard at something. I will when it deserves my attention or when I absolutely have to, whichever comes first I suppose.

I've gotta go, this fish sauce is nauseating!

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