Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Go to bed Tyler. Seriously. This is my first opportunity to lay my head down to rest before 10pm in a long time. Well, I've had opportunites, I just haven't taken advantage of them. I am so tired, I am typing this with my eyes closed. I still can't manage to use my brain even when it's screaming at me to GO TO BED!

Please, can anyone tell me how this new laptop of mine seems to have a mind of its own? How the hell can it adjust the volume by itself? How dare you. I turn it up. It turns it down. I turn it up. It turns it down. It's going down right now. And now it's silent again. I am going to murder someone. Damn you!

I am a little hot-headed at times. Like today for example. Lacking sleep and still stuffed from a pack of Oreos last night, I was not in a good mood. Tired, bloated, ailing, irritable, cranky, smelly, sore, sleepy and sexually frustrated, I went about my day like an unexploded landmine. The slightest movement in the wrong direction could have set me off. Fortunately, people stayed on the trail.

Like I said, I'm tired. And now it's 10 o'clock. And I have no real excuse for blogging right now other than to bitch. And nobody likes to listen to anyone whine. Unless maybe there was some free cheese. And I promise you there isn't. And I've just started too many sentences with the word and. They tell you not to do that. And with that, I'm really going to bed now.

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