Friday, May 16, 2008

Hear me roar

Ahhh! You ever just want to scream? Yes, we all do at times. I think maybe people think I want to scream more often than others. That may indeed be the case, but in case that is the case, let me inform you I am not just one gigantic, bitter asshole. No. I am two gigantic, bitter assholes!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, let me explain. I rant. And I rant a lot. And I tend to swear a lot. I was going to keep this post clean for a change, but look what's happened already. Anyway, people may come to the conclusion that I am one unsatisfied individual. Maybe. Or that I'm just unable to find happiness in anything. Wrong. Or that I need to get laid. Right. Or that I am just pissed off all the time. You name it.

Well, I'm not pissed off all the time. Let me just get that off my chest. That just pisses me off to think that you think I'm pissed. Ok? I mean, maybe I am pissed off 99% of the time, but don't forget about that 1% of pure bliss. Seriously though, many of my postings are pissy, I understand that. But understand this, writing is venting. It's the act of putting it out there, unleashing the fire from within and taking a step back to a stable mental self. Oh you say? Maybe I need to write more?

I don't want to write about happy times. So I don't. Very rarely. So don't conclude from that, that I am unhappy. Because you would be wrong. And I hope you are happy to know that. You see, good times are good times. They don't need to be regurgitated for you to enjoy. I'm sure you're capable of having your own good times. I mainly like to write and whine about things. This keeps me sane. It takes away some of the bitterness. It enables me to get it out, which we all need to do and we do in a variety of ways. I'm done now. So there.

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