Friday, May 23, 2008


Ahh, remember those days? You butthole! Dickweed! Jerkface! Well, I've decided there's no need to reminisce. It's time to bring these words back into our vocabularies. I just passed this guy who seemed like a dickweed. Was basically printed on his forehead. The stupid look on his face when I walked by him said it all. I'm a dickweed. Of course, I could be judging, but it's fun to judge. This guy's not going to be damaged from my slander if I'm wrong so whatever.

It just feels good sometimes. You hear me? Remember in The Shawshank Redemption when the prison guard called someone a "fuckstick"? I don't know if that word ever had a hey day, but it should have. 'Twas a classic. And it should be brought back from the dead just like dickweed and assface. So, I ask you to consider your current lexicon of insulting words and phrases and consider these old goodies. And use them with abandon!

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