Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This is my mini-fridge. I don't think I've ever had one. Not in college. Not after. So, maybe I thought I had to take advantage. It is now home to a bottle of Vietnamese Rhum and 7up. And some foul smelling jackfruit.

I'm not a rhum drinker. Nor a rum drinker for that matter either. Basically because it's too expensive. Since I tend to slurp my drinks that just means I'm through them that much faster. So I order beer. But if you bought me some rum I probably wouldn't let it go to waste.

This wine-bottle sized bottle cost me $1. It kind of tastes like candy. You might see why I like it. This also means fewer expenditures at the bar. Not that I spend much anyway. A couple beers and I'm full to the brim. I'm definitely not their favorite customer and well, I'm ok with that.

Now, I drink this stuff, not every day mind you, but as an occasional after work "beer". Someone told me it was made from bananas. That might explain why it's so cheap. What is cheaper than bananas? Well, maybe rice and potatoes. Maybe. I have no idea if it's true and I don't care. I'm just glad it's cheap. Just like me. We get along.

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