Monday, April 21, 2008


Have you ever had your ear wax removed? Yeah, neither had I. Not until earlier last week when I was bored out of my mind and was wondering what to do. A classmate of mine spoke of this procedure in passing a day or so earlier. I was intrigued. I visualized the sensation of warm wax running out of my ears and then being even more aurally sensitive.

I would have likely regetted the decision had I come out with better hearing. The honking and noise is barely tolerable as it is. The only time I wish I had better aural receptors is when I utilize the crappy headphones at each and every internet cafe. Then I think my hearing is bad. Especially when the volume on both the music player and the computer is set to high.

This procedure involved a headlamp, a long probe, some cotton balls and the skilled hands of a ear-wax-removing technician. There were additional instruments, but I declined the opportunity to turn and look just in case my hearing was damaged forever. It was fun just to make someone clean out my ears.

It was the first time I've had aural sex. I've done it plenty of times by myself in the privacy of my own home. Twice a day is sometimes common. But it gives me greater pleasure to have someone perform the deed on me rather than to always be the one performing this ritual of self-satisfaction. Ok, seriously it wasn't that good. I've done better, but that's because I know how I like it.

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