Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dang it!

Well, Mr. Indecisive finally made a purchase. I really can't stand being the way I am sometimes, but I hate making a decision and then finding myself unhappy with it. So, I guess I'd rather take my time than make a rash decision.

My most recent decision, aside from the food I've eaten today, involved buying a helmet. I'm tired of getting on the back of a moto, squeezing my head into the helmet and then having the strap cinch the hell out of my neck. That's not fun. And more importantly, it doesn't look good either. You have to be fashion conscious.

I went around the other night with a friend looking for a helmet. We stopped at many places and naturally, I could not decide. I can't buy without a mirror so the makeshift "shops" on the sidewalk were of no use to me. Even if they have the cheapest helmets you will ever find. I don't mind spending a little bit more to protect the contents of my cranium.

Yesterday, I decided I had to make this purchase. Cross it off my list of things to do. I found a place, they of course tried to overcharge me and we negotiated. One fit me really well and it looked good enough. Possibly even quite stylish. The other one, cooler in nature, seemed a bit tight, so I chose function over fashion. But I wasn't lamenting my decision because I thought I may have underestimated the coolness of the helmet I actually purchased.

Once I got home, I took a closer inspection at the helmet's overall character. It had writing on the top from front to back and some flashy design on the sides. I think I bought a religious helmet. It's too late now, but I want to exchange it. I don't think anyone else would recognize the religious nature of the helmet, but I can and it irritates me. That's the reason I'm indecisive in the first place! To avoid being unhappy with anything I buy.

It's not the end of the world. Oops, I didn't mean to bring up the apocalypse. Seriously, it's just flowing. I will get over this. But if I happen to come across any paint thinner, I might try to see what happens. In the meantime, I need to buy some other things. The process is laborious. I can barely choose what to eat for breakfast.

I agonize over decisions like this. Ok, I don't agonize, but I know if I'm not happy with my first choice, I'll lament my woes for hours. And there are far more important things to be doing than lamenting one's choice for breakfast. Well, one day I may get it straight. Keep the faith, Tyler. Oh no, more religious babble! This helmet is going straight to my brain.

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