Friday, April 4, 2008

Pinochio Hotel

Welcome to the Pinochio Hotel in Sapa where "youarealways welcomes!" This was one of the cheaper options in town. You might guess that I stayed here. You would be correct. In fact, I stayed five nights. The first three were hassle free and I enjoyed flirting with the cute, married Vietnamese girl at the front desk. So?

I came back to the hotel one morning after some of the slowest Internet connectivity since 1998. It was early and I was still undecided if I would stay another night. I had some time since checkout wasn't until 12pm. It said so on the sign posted in each and every room. I wasn't actually in every room, but my room specifically stated 12pm. Apparently, this was subject to change according to the whims of hotel management.

I was checked out while I was gone. All of my shit was packed into my bag and into various plastic bags. Along with the rubbish. Thanks for that. They did apologize for not telling me that my room was reserved that night. And the people arrived that morning and were waiting. But still. So I turned into an asshole. Not a raging asshole mind you - just a quiet, sighing, talking under my breath type asshole. It was justifiable. It was I tell you.

After going through my belongings to ensure I wasn't missing something, I repacked it all on the floor of the hotel lobby. Sorry for the inconvenience. Then I thought about the hassles of checking into another hotel. And the fact that this whole episode was not surprising. Service is spotty in almost every hotel and restaurant I've been to in Vietnam. And that is an understatement.

So I decided to forgive. It is much easier to let it go and exhale. Ahhhh, it will be ok. And I took another room. And told the cute, married woman she'd have to sleep in my room that night. Not really. Is it wrong to dream?

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